Emily LaVoie's Podcast


#2: Defining and Dismantling Diet Culture

April, 23rd 2024

Welcome back to "Make Peace with Food," I'm your host Emily LaVoie, a certified eating psychology coach committed to breaking down the oppressive norms of diet culture and fostering a space where food is a source of joy, not guilt. Today, in episode 2, we're diving deep into the murky waters of diet culture to understand its complexity and harm it causes to our mental and physical health.

Diet culture is like water to a fish; it's all around us, shaping our thoughts and behaviors in ways we might not even realize. It worships thinness, equating it unfairly with health, and promotes weight loss as the golden ticket to higher social status. But the reality is, not only are these notions unfounded, they are also damaging and exclusive, affecting women, femmes, trans individuals, people in larger bodies, people of color, and people with disabilities most of all.

We'll unpack the four pillars of diet culture as defined by Christy Harrison—worshipping thinness, equating thinness to health, promoting weight loss for improve status, demonizing and prioritizing certain foods and eating styles—and talk about the tangible consequences these ideas have. From the way we view our bodies to the foods we label as 'good' or 'bad,' we must call out diet culture in order to never be victimized again.

Join me as we explore the emotional rollercoaster and social pressures that stem from this obsession with body size and weight, the pitfalls of intentional weight loss, and most importantly, how we can start making peace with food.

Remember, you're not alone in this journey. After the episode, head over to my website for a free 30-minute Zoom consultation where we can talk more about your personal relationship with food. And if you love what you're hearing, show your support by following or subscribing, leaving a rating and review, and consider becoming a paid supporter on Patreon to help keep our conversation going.

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#1: Our Cultural Obsession with Worshipping Thinness: Thinner Does Not Equal Happier

April, 9th 2024

Welcome to the Make Peace with Food podcast, where we believe that food is not the enemy and that eating should be bring joy, not stressful. In this episode, host, Emily LaVoie, delves into some of the more common root causes of our struggles with food and negative body image. She challenges our culture's obsession with thinness, highlighting the harmful impact it has on our physical and mental well-being. With insights into the damaging lies perpetuated by diet culture, Emily offers a fresh perspective on health and happiness. Join us as we uncover the truth about weight, health, and the pursuit of happiness through this enlightening and thought-provoking discussion.

Resources Mentioned: 

My website:  https://emily-lavoie.com

Schedule a free 30-min Zoom consultation here: https://schedulewithemilylavoie.as.me

Support the show on Patreon:  patreon.com/MakePeaceWithFood

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#0: Let’s. Burn. Diet. Culture. To. The. Ground: Make Peace with Food Podcast

March, 26th 2024

Welcome to Make Peace with Food, where we believe that food is not the enemy and that eating should bring joy, not stress and guilt. I'm your host, Emily LaVoie, and in our introduction episode, I share pieces of my journey from growing up in the era of supermodels and fat-free diets to becoming an eating psychology coach. I discuss my experiences as a competitive gymnast, collegiate athlete, and fitness industry professional, how those things contributed to disordered eating & poor body image, but ultimately led me to realize the importance of transforming our relationship with food. I explain what eating psychology coaching is and what it isn't, emphasizing the focus on mental health and the relationship with food, rather than weight loss. Join me as we dive into topics such as Health At Every Size®, Intuitive Eating, and body acceptance. I can't wait to embark on this transformative journey with you.

Resources Mentioned: 

My website:  https://emily-lavoie.com

Schedule a free 30-min Zoom consultation here: https://schedulewithemilylavoie.as.me

Support the show on Patreon:  patreon.com/MakePeaceWithFood

Support the Show.

Food Freedom Begins Here: Make Peace with Food

March, 20th 2024

In this teaser for "Make Peace with Food", host Emily LaVoie empathizes with the struggles many people have with food, body image, and emotional eating. She offers hope and a promise of food freedom, encouraging listeners to make a healthy relationship with food and stop hating their reflection. As a certified eating psychology coach, Emily invites listeners to join her on a journey towards a happier, healthier relationship with food. Stay tuned for the first episode launching on Tuesday, March 26th.

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#3: How much thought space are you giving food, your body, & exercise?

May, 7th 2024

In this episode of Make Peace with Food, host Emily LaVoie invites listeners on a reflective journey to understand the mental space dedicated to thoughts about food, exercise, and body image. As an experienced eating psychology coach, Emily provides a safe haven for individuals struggling with their relationship with food and body image.

Emily deep dives into the significance of one's thought space, asking listeners to pause and analyze the percentage of their daily thoughts occupied by future meals, diet culture, and body ideals. She challenges the pervasive guilt and shame associated with eating choices and urges us to reconsider the societal pressures dictating our self-perception.

Listeners will receive real-life examples from Emily's coaching practice, as she discusses the tools, such as journaling prompts, she employs to guide her clients toward setting more realistic goals for their relationship with food and appearance. Discover why striving towards an 'ideal body image' might hinder rather than help, and why a neutral approach to appearance can lead to a healthier mind and body.

Emily gets personal, sharing a revealing moment post-engagement, where her focus unintentionally shifted to food—a common occurrence in the complex web of food relationships.

Drawing upon the concept that movement and exercise are morally neutral, Emily encourages embracing a new perspective on physical activity that isn't tethered to self-worth. Additionally, she offers complimentary Zoom consultations for deeper engagement with the ideas discussed, providing a first step for those ready to venture into a more positive thought space.

At the heart of this episode, Emily champions mental liberation from the binds of diet culture and societal standards, opening the floor for self-discovery and genuine progress.

Remember to follow, subscribe, rate, and review Make Peace with Food on your favorite podcast platforms, as your support means we can continue to share vital content and foster a community of understanding and healing. Join our mission to spread the word and assist others in making peace with food.

This episode is made possible by listeners like you at patreon.com/makepeacewithfood.

Tune into this episode for a transformative conversation that could be the catalyst for your improved relationship with food, body, and mind.

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#4: Food is Fuel … AND so much more!

May, 21st 2024

In this episode of "Make Peace With Food," host Emily LaVoie explores the multifaceted role that food plays in our lives beyond just being a source of fuel. As a certified eating psychology coach, Emily delves into why food should not merely be seen as calories but as a form of energy, nourishment, and so much more. Recorded on International Women's Day, Emily encourages listeners to embrace and express themselves while connecting the episode to the theme of empowerment through understanding and appreciating our relationship with food.

She discusses how food serves as an expression of love, a comfort during emotional times, a link to cultural identity, and as a means of fostering friendships and joy. Emily challenges the conventional perceptions that often tie food with guilt and shame and invites listeners to celebrate food as a source of pleasure and satisfaction.

From the scientific breakdown of what a calorie really is to the social and emotional connections we make over meals, this episode is a reminder of the beautiful complexities of eating and how it integrates into every aspect of human life. Join Emily as she reassures us that food is indeed something to be celebrated, enjoyed, and respected.

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#5: Let’s Talk About NORMAL EATING

June, 4th 2024

Join host Emily LaVoie in this enlightening episode of Make Peace with Food as she delves into the concept of normal eating and offers a compassionate perspective on healing our relationship with food. In a world dominated by diet culture, understanding what normal eating truly means can be empowering and liberating.

Emily explores the definition of normal eating as outlined by Ellen Satter, emphasizing principles of balance, flexibility, and self-awareness. Through insightful commentary and personal anecdotes, she guides listeners on a journey of self-discovery, encouraging them to reflect on their own relationship with food and body image.

Drawing from her experience as a certified eating psychology coach, Emily provides practical tools and strategies for embracing normal eating habits, from listening to hunger cues to making food choices that nourish both the body and soul. She challenges common misconceptions perpetuated by diet culture and offers a roadmap for reclaiming joy and pleasure in eating.

Whether you're struggling with disordered eating patterns or simply seeking a more peaceful relationship with food, this episode offers valuable insights and actionable steps towards finding balance and healing. Tune in to Make Peace with Food and embark on a journey towards greater self-compassion and empowerment in your relationship with food.

Support the Show.

Schedule a free 30-min Zoom consultation with me here: https://schedulewithemilylavoie.as.me

My website: https://emily-lavoie.com

Support the show on Patreon: patreon.com/MakePeaceWithFood

#6: Body Image: How Thoughts Shape Our Perceptions and Daily Lives

June, 18th 2024

In Episode 6 of Make Peace with Food, host Emily LaVoie delves deep into the complex and often misunderstood topic of body image. Emily, a certified eating psychology coach, begins by sharing personal anecdotes about rediscovering joyful movement through biking and roller skating, illustrating the importance of fun and play in physical activities. She then transitions into an educational segment, explaining the nuances of body image, the harmful impacts of diet culture, and the various mental health challenges associated with poor body image. Emily reads a definition from her website's glossary to break down the concept of body image and discusses how thoughts about our appearance can significantly affect our mental well-being, regardless of our actual appearance.

Emily also highlights the gender differences in body image struggles, noting that while both men and women can experience negative body image, societal expectations and responses often vary. She introduces the severe mental health condition known as body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), emphasizing how pervasive and damaging it can be.

Listeners will come away with a better understanding of how to recognize negative body image and practical tips for fostering a healthier relationship with their bodies. Emily passionately advocates for early and ongoing education on body image for children and teens, suggesting that proactive approaches could prevent the development of eating disorders and other related mental health issues.

In the final segment, Emily gives a sneak peek into next week's episode, where she will explore the interconnected yet distinct concepts of self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence.
Tune in to gain valuable insights and start your journey towards a more positive body image and self-acceptance. Don't forget to support the podcast through Patreon and join the Sticker of the Month Club for some fun, motivational stickers designed by Emily herself!

Links Mentioned in this Episode:

- Emily's Website: http://emilylavoie.com
- Free 30-Minute Zoom Consultation: http://emilylavoie.com
- Patreon: http://patreon.com/makepeacewithfood

Thank you for listening! Be sure to subscribe, rate, and review to help spread this crucial message to others who need it.

Support the Show.

Schedule a free 30-min Zoom consultation with me here: https://schedulewithemilylavoie.as.me

My website: https://emily-lavoie.com

Support the show on Patreon: patreon.com/MakePeaceWithFood

#7: The Difference Between Self-Worth, Self-Esteem and their Connection to Body Image

July, 2nd 2024

In this episode of Make Peace With Food, your host Emily LaVoie, a certified eating psychology coach, dives deep into the foundational concepts of self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence. Building on the insights shared in Episode 6 about body image, Emily explores how these elements interplay and impact our relationship with food and body image.

Emily starts the episode by sharing a glimpse into her life, discussing her recent decluttering project and her thoughts on minimalism. She then introduces an exciting new addition to her Patreon: a $15 membership tier that includes a monthly book club focused on healing from unwanted eating habits and food challenges.

As Emily defines and distinguishes self-esteem and self-worth, she explains how these concepts manifest in our daily lives and their importance in fostering a healthy self-image. Through personal stories and practical advice, Emily sheds light on the ways low self-worth can lead to risky behaviors and emphasizes the significance of internal validation over external feedback.

Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of your self-worth, learn how to build lasting confidence, and discover actionable steps to cultivate a positive and empowering relationship with yourself. Whether you're navigating your own healing journey or supporting someone else's, this episode offers valuable insights and encouragement.

Join the conversation on self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence, and get inspired to make peace with food and your body.


- Schedule a 30-minute free consultation with Emily at emilylavoie.com

- Join the Patreon community for exclusive content and the new book club at patreon.com/makepeacewithfood

- Check out Emily's glossary of terms at emilylavoie.com/resources/glossary

Support the Show:

If you enjoyed this episode, please follow, subscribe, and leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your preferred podcast platform. Your support helps spread this important message and keeps the podcast going.

Support the Show.

Schedule a free 30-min Zoom consultation with me here: https://schedulewithemilylavoie.as.me

My website: https://emily-lavoie.com

Support the show on Patreon: patreon.com/MakePeaceWithFood

#8: Numbers Are Triggering. Stop Letting Them Define You.

July, 16th 2024

Welcome to Make Peace with Food! I'm your host, Emily LaVoie, a certified eating psychology coach. In this episode, we explore the profound impact that numbers—like weight on a scale and calories on food labels—can have on our mental and emotional well-being. We'll dive deep into understanding how these numbers can become triggers and discuss practical strategies to reclaim your power and improve your relationship with food and your body.

I share personal insights and stories from my journey, including my past struggles with disordered eating habits and obsessive weighing. We’ll talk about why it's important to set boundaries around numbers and how you can start to heal by putting away the scale and shifting focus from calorie counting to enjoying and nourishing your body.

Whether you're dealing with body image issues, struggling with unwanted eating habits, or seeking to find joy and balance in your relationship with food, this episode is filled with compassionate advice and actionable steps to support your healing journey.

Don't forget to visit my website, Emily-LaVoie.com, to schedule a free 30-minute Zoom consultation and learn more about my one-on-one coaching. Plus, join my Sticker of the Month Club on Patreon for a delightful surprise each month!

Tune in for a discussion on why numbers don't define you and how you can begin to make peace with food.

Support the Show.

Schedule a free 30-min Zoom consultation with me here: https://schedulewithemilylavoie.as.me

My website: https://emily-lavoie.com

Support the show on Patreon: patreon.com/MakePeaceWithFood

#3: How much thought space are you giving food, your body, & exercise?

May, 7th 2024

In this episode of Make Peace with Food, host Emily LaVoie invites listeners on a reflective journey to understand the mental space dedicated to thoughts about food, exercise, and body image. As an experienced eating psychology coach, Emily provides a safe haven for individuals struggling with their relationship with food and body image.

Emily deep dives into the significance of one's thought space, asking listeners to pause and analyze the percentage of their daily thoughts occupied by future meals, diet culture, and body ideals. She challenges the pervasive guilt and shame associated with eating choices and urges us to reconsider the societal pressures dictating our self-perception.

Listeners will receive real-life examples from Emily's coaching practice, as she discusses the tools, such as journaling prompts, she employs to guide her clients toward setting more realistic goals for their relationship with food and appearance. Discover why striving towards an 'ideal body image' might hinder rather than help, and why a neutral approach to appearance can lead to a healthier mind and body.

Emily gets personal, sharing a revealing moment post-engagement, where her focus unintentionally shifted to food—a common occurrence in the complex web of food relationships.

Drawing upon the concept that movement and exercise are morally neutral, Emily encourages embracing a new perspective on physical activity that isn't tethered to self-worth. Additionally, she offers complimentary Zoom consultations for deeper engagement with the ideas discussed, providing a first step for those ready to venture into a more positive thought space.

At the heart of this episode, Emily champions mental liberation from the binds of diet culture and societal standards, opening the floor for self-discovery and genuine progress.

Remember to follow, subscribe, rate, and review Make Peace with Food on your favorite podcast platforms, as your support means we can continue to share vital content and foster a community of understanding and healing. Join our mission to spread the word and assist others in making peace with food.

This episode is made possible by listeners like you at patreon.com/makepeacewithfood.

Tune into this episode for a transformative conversation that could be the catalyst for your improved relationship with food, body, and mind.

Support the Show.

Schedule a free 30-min Zoom consultation with me here: https://schedulewithemilylavoie.as.me

My website: https://emily-lavoie.com

Support the show on Patreon: patreon.com/MakePeaceWithFood

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